Just stuff I thought was funny
Spending my downtime when not designing maps reading old Doomworld posts...
It's fun to catch up on things I surely missed. When somebody tickled my funny,
I made a note of it. Here's what I've got so far:
The best movie ever is Alien. You cannot disagree, unless you like being wrong.
March 3rd, 2003
I don't see why using doom95 is a problem. If someone is harassing you because of the engine you use call the DOOM Player Rights Association, they will help you learn to tell them to fuck off.
May 5th, 2003
Plus don't expect much out of the Doom community. If I've learned anything it's that the Doom community is a bunch of tardbiscuits.
January 10th, 2004
The Zdaemon community as a whole is garbage save for a *VERY* few individuals...
February 16th, 2004
This is a discussion about about Romero's career development, it is important to note that LEGOS SUCK ASS!!!!
May 27th, 2005
wel dud 1st ya gots to git 4um prgram to make em then u gots to um get a wad thing and pallete and XWE OH DUD LOL u got 2 c action doom lol it has sum1 else werk u can jus steal ROFL
August 4th, 2005
Well it's a porn wad so it's pretty high up the pointless scale, after all, you need two hands to play the game properly
August 21st, 2005
I tried it, and seriously, I would have rather have gotten a virus than the map I saw.
Devilofdoom said: whats wrong with it?
You need to open the options menu in your wad editor and set "Suck" to off.
October 30th, 2009
Before late 1997, the Boom engine actually insisted on Ultimate Doom being called DOOMU.WAD for the 4th episode to work.
February 4th, 2010
You can use commander keens in any level, not just MAP32. Therefore, all levels should use commander keens
February 23rd, 2010
I'm making 'Deus Vendetta Alien Hell Vult Revealed 18' so my wad shows up on idgames whenever anyone searches for those terms. The maps are 32 of the best maps from alien vendetta, hell revealed and deus vult, with all things and lines rotated 90 degrees, thus making them my own original creations. All copyrighted textures were replaced with various images of the Fonz from Happy Days.
July 30th, 2010
Fuck DECORATE. DECORATE has nothing to do with Doom. ZDoom is an entire different branch. It's like teaching probability in a geometry class.
September 1st, 2010
You should smash in your friends face, because Bon Jovi is annoying. The moment i would hear that shit out of a pwad, it got deleted from my harddisk.
October 14th, 2010
Day 3: After escaping the secret underwater acid mine that is actually a demon gateway but we don't know that because it's a secret the doom marine is relocated to a space station that harvests fried chicken from the sun but not so fast! The sun is actually an icon of sin! Doom Marine needs to kill the sun.
December 27th, 2010
What to do when you have no mapping skills? Start a major project and elect yourself Team Leader.
<ducks, runs and hides>
January 6th, 2011
As long as you feel that some cool, creepy WAVs would find happy homes in WADs, I think it'd be a blast to spend an evening in my little home studio making horrifying noises.
I'd have to contact the downstairs neighbors first, though, so that they don't worry when they hear me chanting, roaring, screaming, stomping, and ripping massive bloodfarts.
...as pinky demons do.
April 11th, 2011
Is it strange that when I saw a thread by gggmork called "crapmap" my first reaction was "awesome!"...?
August 24th, 2011
my fave moment is ambushing the cyber with the first bfg shot, probably because in half the cases he returns fire while i'm still humping his leg.
August 30th, 2011
A year or two ago, Kate made a deathmatch map that shifts itself between Dwango5 map01 and Dwango6 map01 without warning, crushing everything in its path.
September 12th, 2011
your probably better off rebuilding the maps from scratch in the desired format it's like trying to mate an elephant with a giraffe.
July 27th, 2012
I think having a "wad club" on doomworld would be a good idea. I always enjoying discussing levels and stuff with other people. All we need is Oprah to lead it. :P
February 13th, 2013
My first map no longer exists. Which is probably just as well since it was a dark, 64-wide maze stocked with imps and demons and with only a berserk pack as a weapon.
July 15th, 2013
"Vanilla" maps that are only tested with Zdoom should be a shooting offence, I swear.
November 5th, 2013
i played this really old wad called myhouse.wad
it was 1 map with someones house made into a doom level
December 14th, 2013
You don't put every rocket launcher and every plasma gun in every map you make on randomized conveyor belts.
January 14th, 2014
Every little blue bottle is sacred. Those little helmets though, can go die in an unfortunate smelting accident for all I care.
January 15th, 2014
I love that temporary blinding effect effect of picking up a stack of goodies (even ammo), it's like taking a delicious deep swig of cold beer.
January 15th, 2014
I think that when Doomguy goes over 200%, he keeps picking up the powerups to sell later at his lemonade stand.
January 17th, 2014
What about maps that use them in an "arrow pattern" in the floor to hint at a secret, for example? I don't remember specific examples, but now every time I see a group of bottles/helmets, I try to make sure they aren't "pointing" to the nearest wall, just in case. And given it rarely happens, I feel it's a waste of time. And that seriously pisses me off.
January 19th, 2014
This really needs to be front page news or something. Seriously, this is the Doom equivalent of finding the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, and D. B. Cooper living together.
January 23rd, 2014
I imagine upon hitting the exit switch doomguy and all the monsters immediately break character and stand around chatting and smoking cigarettes until the next map.
February 15th, 2014
There was a medieval style RPG mod in the /Newstuff, I nearly reviewed it but it was as hard as fossilised triceratops turd and I didn't want to negatively review something when it had clearly had so much effort put into it.
May 10th, 2014
It is a goddamn shame that most people have probably not played Mega Spider Bitch. Play Mega Spider Bitch.
June 12th, 2014
Then there's the issue that people like new music, and finding 32 worthwhile tracks is a complete headache for me, requiring endless hours wading through raw monkeyshit to find a few pearls in a bubbling lake of stinky diarrhea.
August 23rd, 2014
I do. Yes, I'm a mild cheater whom the purists would burn at the stake.
September 16th, 2014
The story of Doom?
Pick up guns. Big guns. Kill shit. Another day well spent.
September 21st, 2014
The Demons are not really "demons" at all, just a simple under developed society of peace loving folks only doing what they have to do to feed their children as best as they know how with their unfairly low level of resources. Anyone who calls them "Demons" is clearly a racist and a xenophobe and using inherently racist ideology to justify apartheid.
October 11th, 2014
Go fast and kill things. Go fast and kill things well enough and you can get NotSuperSaiyan mode and can then go faster and kill even more things even more.
February 28th, 2015
When you start chaining levels together, learn how to replace music in SLADE. Sparing people from having to listen to d_runnin cultivates good will.
March 27th, 2015
Had a pretty shitty day at work today. So I'm taking it out on you guys!
July 12th, 2015
You see, on Doomworld, users are allowed to troll other new users if it is in the greater interest of upholding the superiority of the Doom community in general over the status of all other games.
July 28th, 2015
once commentary kicks in I usually prefer to just crank the volume up and hold the speakers to my ears in hopes of going deaf to never have to hear another commentary again
June 15th, 2016
Calling your map "A sopping great big bag of wet slimy dicks and cunts incorporated" might not be the best idea.
October 1st, 2020
I don't always play coop with my fellas but when I do, I turn the difficulty to nightmare. In Plutonia...
November 11th, 2020
Also, when Doomguy fights the zombieman, he should be naked. All of the other enemies need to have detailed genitalia added to their bodies. I want to believe that everyone appears to be naked when you're a zombieman. Surely I'm not the only one who feels this way.
October 7th, 2021
Originally the level was going to be very different, where it was like the player had been miniaturized and put inside a pool filtration system. But I had problems figuring out how I would actually make a convincing (for the time) level that looked like the inside of a pool pump and filter.
November 6th, 2021
DOOM is the sine qua non of software. After the kernel, the OS libraries, and the compiler, you must have a working DOOM port. Period.
February 2nd, 2022
Sorry for being a nuisance, but can I get the MOD that Doomguy fully uses his left/right foot to fire weapons and uses his hands to walk? Thanks.
May 20th, 2022
You removed the ghetto icon of sin though. Not sure how I feel about that.
January 6th, 2023
I rather run Doom on a pregnancy test than seeing these users quoting themselves and talking to the third person.
August 17th, 2023
Not sure what's worse, the fact you necro'd a 15 year old thread or the fact your post has no relevance to the topic at hand.
September 28th, 2023
Fuck the Icon of Sin, place a bunch of barrels and make him die in a single shot.
September 29th, 2023
consistency helps the player. our goal as designers is to fuck the player...
May 18th, 2024
you should have to have to be issued a license to place spectres in your maps...
July 10th, 2024
Despite the health tweaking, the remaster was what sat me down and made me realise I'd never done Quake on Nightmare before.
Enjoyed every bit of it and both expansions.
Except for the dragon.
Fuck that dragon.
August 11th, 2024
Everyone responsible for the hitscan Arachnotrons needs to go to jail. No trial, straight to Alcatraz, immediately.
November 6th, 2024
Honestly I dont know who I hate more, the monsters from another dimension or the monsters to which I share ancestry.
November 6th, 2024
Every night I check under my bed for Romero, knowing one of these days he'll show up for his retribution
December 13th, 2024
the most powerful microscope in the world could not find how little of a crap I give about par times. I never check them, ever.
December 23rd, 2024
Screw the Iron Lich's tornado though. Getting thrown into a small space and juggled around while the Iron Lich air fries you is a dick move through and through. If I was looking for that kinda treatment I'd join a multiplayer Quake match.
December 24th, 2024
I got softlocked after jumping out of the window
Don't make my mistake, kids, don't jump out of a window

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