by prfunky at DoomWorld forums.

So this is not a file by me. This is sortof an addendum to my previous post concerning found undocumented wad files. I wanted to give this one a separate treatment because it's something I actually remember playing. It was a few years ago though.

The latest installment of Doom remake games has, unfortunately, collided with this wad file when it comes to name calling. In other words, lots of luck getting Google to help at all now. I recall a similiar thing happening when Doom Eternal was released; information about Eternal Doom III by Team Eternal became impossible to find via search engines.

DOOM4.WAD (2-6-1999) approx. 12.9MB

Not having an associated .txt file isn't much a problem for me this time as I do remember having played this wad. But it would be nice if I found one. Now I've got to poking around this wad with SLADE as one does when doing good detective work. At the top of this page is the picture in the TITLEPIC lump. Already, that's more information than simply "Doom 4". Unfortunately, it's still not enough to feed the Google and expect any kind of sensical response.

Further prodding yields about the same from the M_DOOM lump:

The HELP and ENDOOM lumps are far more informative. From here I could read the author's name is Matt Drury a.k.a. Bitterman. I've reached out to a user at DoomWorld of the moniker "Bitterman" but I'm not hopeful for several reasons. For one, it turns out Bitterman is the name of the character in Quake. See, Google was good for something... Two, the user registered in May of 2020 and hasn't visited DoomWorld since.

I am happy to see that gum chewing gets one credit in the creation of video game resources. I did a pair of searches in the idgames database of wad files and found a total of three files; none of which are this Doom 4.

Like I said, I've played this game before. I've never finished it. My rememberances were that it had some custom monsters. More drilling into the file with SLADE verifies my memory of that. What I didn't remember was any custom weapons, which, are actually there too. I probably got through maybe map06 or 07. I'm not really good at video games in general. I'm probably worse at first person shooters. And I easily get bored, distracted or have more important things to do. So now this mostly undocumented wad file sits idle on my computer's hard drive.

The end of level screen titles have been used to tell the story of this wad as the user plods through its contents. The contrast on some of them isn't very good and my eyes are old but here're a few of those lumps extracted into the world of plain text:


As the last shards of planet Hell are vaporized, you smile with grim satisfaction. You have doomed the Hellians to extinction and ended their threat once and for all. Although the task of rebuilding Earth will take years, you look forward to returning to California. But then you realize that the next big quake is long overdue...

CWILV00 lump:

You've escaped from the Holding Cells : the first step in liberation of Humanity. Now, you must fight your way through the Slave Quarters.

CWILV01 lump:

Word of your daring has swept like wildfire thru the Slave Quarters. You carry the hopes of your fellow slaves as you descend into the Mines.

CWILV02 lump:

Having seen the trustees and robot guard fall before your wrath, the others in this compound are ready to revolt. Next step : Nukage Processing.